Powerful email marketing that works in Perth

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Email is a direct connection to past, present and future customers. It’s also one of the only marketing audiences your business fully owns. Combined with its cost-effective nature, email delivers extraordinary open and conversion rates. But you can’t just send any email and expect results. Email marketing needs to carefully consider your message, audience and timing for maximum results.


Analysis of various email campaign data from differing industries showed email creates a return on investment (ROI) of up to $44 per $1 spent. Supporting your business by:

  • Creating relationships
  • Building authority and credibility
  • Driving actions (traffic, calls, leads, purchases)
  • Reaching people on their preferred communication channel

Connect and deliver

Successful email marketing involves consideration of your system, message, audience and continual optimisation. As a result, it requires extensive research to successfully connect and deliver results with your audience. At Host One, we specialise in creating email content that engages your audience. Supporting you with:

  • Systems integration: We integrate your CRM and email database with your website using automated systems. Whenever you collect any email information, these are automatically sent to your list. Helping yoou build targeted pop up forms that build your email list.
  • Audience segmentation: Targeted campaigns are successful campaigns. Delivering your message to a highly specific and interested audience. We help you segment your audience by interests, demographics and stage in the buyer journey for more effective emails.
  • Message: Our team of copywriters and designers will create an email that stands out from the crowd. Your customers receive hundreds of emails everyday, it’s important yours cuts through the noise.
  • Analytics and optimisation: We give you a full breakdown of your email campaign(s) performance. From the number of opens to the total links clicked, get every detail so we can further improve future results.

Contact us to discuss email marketing for your business today.

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