LibreNMS Freeswitch agent-local
I had a few issues getting the freeswitch agent-local to work. In the end the fix was simple. The FSCLI path was wrong in the /opt/librenms-agent/agent-local/freeswitch file. I found the correct path by running find / -name fs_cli and editing the FSCLI=/usr/bin/fs_cli to be correct. Update: If you would like the Apache Status to work add the following […]
Fanvil Park Slots BLF
I installed some new Fanvil X5 Phones at a customer and i needed to have some BLF keys as Park Slots and Presence for them. If you set the DSS key to memory Then put in “park+*5901” in the value and set the SubType to BLF/New Call. All done.
mod_memcache.c Error while running command delete: SYSTEM ERROR
I had this error on a customers freeswitch. Turns out i forgot to install memcache yum install memcached chkconfig –level 345 memcached on service memcached start And all fixed =)