Install Microsoft and Windows Updates

Table of Contents

A lot of scripts out there only install windows updates, this one gets the lot.
I’ve found that there are a number of patches not included in the LanGuard patch management, so here’s a script to fill in the gaps.

This script is a modified version of the one found here –

Also just added the ability to skip updates.
So if you don’t want the bing bar or windows search or any other update, just put add the name to the array. (Should also work with Most KB Numbers)

Const ssDefault = 0
 Const ssManagedServer = 1 
 Const ssOthers = 3 'Microsoft Updates
 Const ssWindowsUpdate = 2 'Windows Updates
 'Array of updates to skip. 
 SkipUpdates = Array("bing","windows live","windows search")
 ' Create Session
 Set UpdateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
 Set UpdateSearcher = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
 ' Register Microsoft Update
 updateSearcher.ServerSelection = ssOthers '<==== **** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR PREFERENCE ****
 updateSearcher.ServiceID = "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d"
 ' Create List of Updates to Download
 Set UpdatesToDownload = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")
 ' Search for Updates
 Set SearchResult = UpdateSearcher.Search("Isinstalled=0")
 ' Quit if No Updates Found
 If SearchResult.Updates.Count = 0 Then
     WScript.Echo "No updates found."
 End If
 Dim strSpacer
 For I = 0 To SearchResult.Updates.Count-1
     Set Update = SearchResult.Updates.Item(I)
     ' formatting helper
     If I < 10 Then
         strSpacer = " "
         strSpacer = ""
     End If
     'Check updates to skip
 bSkip = false
 For Each Name in SkipUpdates
 If Instr(LCase(update.Title), LCase(Name)) > 0 Then
 bSkip = True
 Exit For
 End if
 If bSkip = True Then
 WScript.Echo "Skipping update " & update.Title
 'WScript.Echo "[" & strSpacer & I & "]  Found Update, Marking For Download:  " & update.Title
 End if 
 ' Download Updates
 Set Downloader = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
 Downloader.Updates = UpdatesToDownload
 On Error Resume Next
 If Err.number <> 0 Then
     Wscript.Echo "An error occurred in  Downloader.Download() of updates"
     Wscript.Echo "Number: " & err.number
     Wscript.Echo "Description:  " & err.Description
     Wscript.Quit (Err.number)
 End If
 On Error Goto 0
 ' Create List of Updates to Install
 Set UpdatesToInstall = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")
 For I = 0 To SearchResult.Updates.Count-1
     set Update = SearchResult.Updates.Item(I)
     If Update.IsDownloaded = true Then
     End If
 ' Install Updates
 Set Installer = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
 Installer.Updates = UpdatesToInstall
 Set InstallationResult = Installer.Install()
 wscript.Echo "Installation Result: " & InstallationResult.ResultCode
 wscript.Echo "Reboot Required: " & InstallationResult.RebootRequired
 wscript.Echo "Listing of updates installed and individual installation results:"
     For I = 0 to UpdatesToInstall.Count - 1
         WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & Chr(9) & UpdatesToInstall.Item(I).Title & Chr(9) & ": " & TranslateMuCode(InstallationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode)
 ' Quit
 ' Translate Microsoft Update Installation Results
 Function TranslateMuCode(theCode)
   TranslateMuCode = "[" & theCode & "] "
   if (theCode = 0) Then TranslateMuCode = TranslateMuCode & "Not Started"
   if (theCode = 1) Then TranslateMuCode = TranslateMuCode & "In Progress"
   if (theCode = 2) Then TranslateMuCode = TranslateMuCode & "Succeeded"
   if (theCode = 3) Then TranslateMuCode = TranslateMuCode & "Succeeded with Errors"
   if (theCode = 4) Then TranslateMuCode = TranslateMuCode & "Failed"
   if (theCode = 5) Then TranslateMuCode = TranslateMuCode & "Aborted"
 End Function
 ' Register Microsoft Update (if never registered)
 Function RegisterMu
     Dim fso
     Dim file
     Dim WshShell
     Dim updateService
     Dim updateServiceManager
     found = false
     Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    
     Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
     Set updateServiceManager = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager")
     Set updateService = updateServiceManager.Services
     If err <> 0 Then
         WScript.Echo "CreateObject(Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager) failed with error 0x" & Hex(err.Number)  & err.Description
     End If
     For I=0 to updateService.Count - 1
         Set item = updateService.Item(i)
         If item.ServiceID = "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d" Then
             found = true
         End IF
     IF found = false Then
         updateServiceManager.AddService2 "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d", 2, ""
         If err <> 0 Then
             WScript.Echo "updateServiceManager.AddService() failed with error 0x" & Hex(err.Number) & err.Description
             WScript.Echo "MU is registered with WU Agent"
         End IF
     End IF
 END Function