Hey Guys,
I’ve had a number of site concentrators not clearing the cache properly.
According to http://www.allthingsmax.com/2011/12/saving-time-headaches-by-saving.html,
The Site Concentrator is self-cleaning, so in 30 days or less after download, the patches, etc. will be removed from the cache path automatically.
I have not found this to be the case, so have had to write a script to do it for me.
Paremeters to be passed are:
/ConcentratorPath: for where the cache Directory is located.
/ReportOnly: if you want to see how many files are over 30 days without deleting them.
Parameter Example:
/ConcentratorPath:”c:\UpdateCache” /ReportOnly:true
Option Explicit
Dim FSO, Folder, File, DateRange, CurrentFolder, TotalSize, FileSize, Path, bDebug, ReportOnly
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Path = WScript.Arguments.Named("ConcentratorPath")
ReportOnly = WScript.Arguments.Named("ReportOnly")
If FSO.FolderExists(Path) = false Then
WScript.echo "Concentrator Path not found."
End If
If lcase(ReportOnly) = "true" Then
bDebug = true
if bDebug = true Then WScript.echo "*** No Files Deleted, ReportOnly Enabled ***"
End If
DateRange = dateadd("d", -30, Now)
If TotalSize = 0 then
WScript.echo "No Old Updates Found."
ElseIf TotalSize > 1024 then
TotalSize = TotalSize / 1024
WScript.echo "Total Size: " & FormatNumber(int(TotalSize * 100) / 100, 2) & "Gb"
WScript.echo "Total Size: " & FormatNumber(int(TotalSize * 100) / 100, 2) & "Mb"
End If
if bDebug = true Then WScript.echo "*** No Files Deleted, ReportOnly Enabled ***"
Sub ProcessDirectory(Directory)
Set CurrentFolder = FSO.GetFolder(Directory)
For Each File in CurrentFolder.Files
If File.DateLastModified < DateRange then
FileSize = File.Size / 1024 / 1024
WScript.Echo File.Name & " last modified at " & File.DateLastModified
WScript.Echo "File Size: " & FormatNumber(int(FileSize * 100) / 100, 2) & "Mb"
If bDebug = false Then
On Error Resume Next 'Dirty Error Handleing :)
On Error goto 0
End if
TotalSize = TotalSize + FileSize
End if
For Each Folder in CurrentFolder.Subfolders
ProcessDirectory(Directory & Folder.Name)
End Sub